Future Work

Future Work

  1. The new kit has a CPB - Might need to add a chapter explaining the difference and maybe even having the students getting the bluetooth to work.

  2. The photo of the button lab could be better.

  3. The circuit photo for the LSM6DS33 is not correct

  4. I did not perform the lab for the LSM6DS33 + LIS3MDL lab.

  5. I could not get the magnetometer to work.

  6. Equations on thermistor need to be expanded

  7. Equations relating voltage from protocol to Lux needs to be included

  8. Example plots for light, sound, acceleration, etc needs to be expanded

  9. Pendulum lab must be done in one of two ways. Either the pendulum is attached to a potentiometer or the CPX is mounted to the end of a string and data logged on board the CPX itself. The potentiometer is nice because you can record data with your laptop but the string idea is cool because you use the accelerometer. In either case you can make some really long pendulums

  10. 3D printing a disc with holes on the outside to eventually mount to a shaft would be a really cool angular velocity sensor lab. Tangibles that teach could easily include a 3D printed disc that can mount to a pencil for ease of rotation. Could also include the CAD drawings so students can print more or even edit the design for better or worse performance.

  11. Buying some load cells with the HMC converter and including them in the kit would add a whole lot different labs

  12. Buying some magnetometers to measure magnetic field and do some sensor fusion would be neat. Could do roll, pitch and yaw calibration if we included a magnetometer.

  13. Right now a lab just on roll and pitch estimation would be possible. Pendulum lab pretty much introduces them to this but could easily do an rc aircraft lab where they build an aircraft out of foam with an elevator and aileron so that the servos responds to roll and pitch change. There is a lab right now with just pitch but perhaps we could add roll to it.

  14. Another cool project idea would be for the students to take temperature and light data on a cloudy day. Then have them infer if the amount of sunlight affected the temperature of the thermistor. They could plot the data with light on the x-axis and temperature on the y-axis and draw conclusions based on the plot they generate.

  15. Could also have them take temperature and light data over the course of a whole day to plot sunrise and sunset and watch the ambient temperature rise and fall

  16. For the aliasing lab, have the students sample as fast as possible and obtain the natural frequency of the system. Then have them sample at 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 times the natural frequency they obtained. I originally picked 1,10 and 100 as arbitrary sampling frequencies and it would have been better to do 2,4 and 6.

  17. On cool lab would be to take light data during sunset and watch light and temperature plummet.

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